Noblechart was founded to offer its customers a complete and integrated range of services in the field of cosmetics.

Thus, we can offer the services of an innovative research and development laboratory at a competitive cost.

As a pharmacist, I was faced with the specific and sometimes surprising demands of patients who could not find an industrial solution to their illness.

Noblechart is therefore keen to respond precisely to the expectations of patients by proposing products without known side effects at the time of their formulation. Our pharmacovigilance department ensures to eliminate any known raw material from our formulas in order to guarantee the most safe cosmetics to our customers.

In terms of nutraceutics, we select the best plants to offer capsules or capsules of nutritional supplements effective in fields as varied as weight loss, digestion, diabetes, hypertension or libido.
We can even offer Nespresso® pods containing a slimming formula.

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David LEVY